Episode 7: The #1 Quality That Makes Anyone Irresistibly Attractive

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“Would you want to have sex with you? And would you fall in love with yourself if you were another person meeting yourself. And if not, then take a moment to realize, if you don't want to have sex with you, why will anyone else? If we are not in a place of really valuing, appreciating, and being turned on by ourselves, our magnetism is going to be very diminished. And this is just one piece of what I'm getting into in this whole episode. So stick with me. Cultivating internal arousal is key to attracting what you desire.”

“Arouse yourself and you'll arouse and attract the life you desire. Cultivate a practice of making love to each and every moment so that life can't help but make love to you in return. Life is always making love with us, and we are often in a place of being blocked, or not receptive, or shut down, or unable to see what life is offering us. So a lot of this has to do with opening up to receive from life fully and to give ourselves fully to life in each and every moment, however that's presenting itself.”

“Like many other people, I was sourcing my sense of self worth and lovability through another person; a person who didn't love themselves and was not able to show up to love me. Neither of us were in a place of loving ourselves. One of the biggest downfalls I see in relationships is that sensing of self worth and lovability through another person.

We really are products of our conditioning in this way. Pop culture is saturated with music and movies, piping these cliché messages of ‘you complete me’ and ‘I'd be lost without you.’ ‘You're everything to me’. ‘I'm nothing without you’. We hear these all the time and it's this romanticized way of interacting with love. But in my opinion, it's not true love; it's attachment; It's outsourcing; it's this feeling that we are not complete without that other person.”

“If you source your self worth in another, your world will fall apart. When turmoil rattles the security blanket of your quote, unquote love, you will resist the changes you and your lover need to go through that feel threatening to the status quo, rendering your love conditional. If you're sourcing your passion for life in another, the void will get louder when the novelty wears off and you will look for someone better to fill the insatiable hunger that is impossible for another person to fill.”

“If you feel empty when you're not connecting with another person, when you're just alone, or even while you are connecting with someone, it's time to find a connection with the vital life force that animates your being into existence.

Find what makes you come alive, what inspires you and piques your curiosity, beckoning you to dig deeper into the infinite caverns of your soul. Not only will you find stunning riches of soulful nourishment, you will have these to offer to your beloved so that your relationship can expand beyond the shallow dead-end story of relationship that we've been sold. And instead, it can blossom into a sanctuary for you both to grow, thrive, and deepen into sacred union with yourself, first and foremost, and with each other. From this place you will be fulfilled both with or without a lover.”